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Show customers your products

User habits from the private sector also carry over into the B-to-B sector. Customers are even directly looking for the products they need and no longer for companies. List your products and let yourself be more easily found. We will show you how this works in the next section. Your products and services are the best-selling point of your E*Page - and the core of your website: They should be selected with care and consideration.

Add new product
You could add a product or service using the “Enter a new product” link. To do this, enter the product name and the direct link to your homepage and integrate photos. Up to 5 images can be uploaded for each product. Important: Enter the appropriate category for each item, as you are used to from “Wer liefert was”! A number of different options and settings are available for accurate and complete presentation of your products. Fill out all fields accurately and upload documents (pdf or videos) to increase your visibility! 
Manage products 
You can use the “Manage your products” link to decide which products to put online and which ones you might put offline because you haven't finished them yet or maybe they're out of date. 
Add product in another language 
First, determine a language for your products. The associated elements (title/description/product name/image) only appear in the language you selected and are not translated; if you use English you are playing it safe in many cases. 
A new umbrella for "Wer liefert was" and Europages

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The new home of our B2B marketplaces and online marketing services is live online. Discover even more ways to extend your reach on the internet at

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